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  • Writer's picturecathi trevor

HOME SWEET HOME: Creating a mindful space

Last year felt I was barely keeping my head above water, fighting inner demons with personal issues, but taking three weeks off in December renewed my spirits. Staying home instead of going away was the best idea so our house could get some well-needed love and attention to rekindle the happy feeling I used to have while hanging out at home by creating a relaxing corner just for me!


I tend to gallop through my day getting work done, grabbing a coffee and on the move again, forgetting to really breathe and be in the moment. Bath time was a daily ritual of lighting candles, putting on music and taking a long hot soak, but what with Cape Town's water crisis those leisurely bath days are over, so I've created a space to relax, roll down my yoga mat, light a few candles and incense to contemplate life, love and everything.

It's such a simple way of making time to feel whole and energised again. I thought about joining a yoga studio or pilates down the road, but the hours don't coincide with work and doing a class at the end of a work day is too exhausting to contemplate, so making a space at home seemed to be the obvious choice. I'm an early riser so taking thirty to forty minutes for meditation and yoga is not too hard; whether I manage to keep this up during winter is another story, but for now, this is good. Sometimes it's really hard to still the mind with it wandering all over the show, but it helps to come back to the breath and not beat myself up about not being a "good" meditator. Meditation has helped me observe the awareness of my demons, to focus on being optimistic and mindful of others and myself; we tend to forget about looking after our own needs, dreams and desires so this year it's time to be kinder and gentler to ourselves, to accept who we are and know that it is enough. I am enough.

Do you have a space to unwind for yourself? Whether it's sitting on a chair looking out the window or drinking a cuppa, we should all take a little time to be more mindful, to feel whole and ready to conquer each day. By practicing meditation I've learnt to be more patient and not to take things so damn personally. We have a new President, which certainly makes for happier times - so happy day and I hope its a fabulous week ahead!



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