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  • Writer's picturecathi trevor


​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

I've followed Emma Jayne Designs on Instagram for ages and thought her lovelies are just so damn awesome, I'd share them with you guys today so here goes...

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

Here’s a little information about Emma Jayne:

Emma Jayne says that her personal favourites of 2019 are the above collection. 'I went back to using traditional media and produced more patterns than illustrations. I love the effects you can achieve with gouache, watercolour and ink using different sized brushes. I like to create textures, as well as painting animals and other shapes as silhouettes.'

Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer

'I currently take inspiration from colour, shapes, texture, fashion, graphics, nature, interiors, magazines … actually, pretty much anything I come across which piques my interest! From childhood I have always been passionate about art, coming from a creative family. My father and grandfather both loved DIY, my mum loved fashion and interiors and my grandmother, who I spent every Thursday and most weekends sewing and knitting with me. I knitted my first jumper at 8 years (it was too big and I could not get to wear it until I was about 10!)'

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

'My design BA and studio work at Dorma made good use of my drawing and colour skills. At Dorma I was involved with the whole design process, from initial concept to bulk printing. I have undertaken various freelance projects over an 10 year period, selling my designs in the UK, around Europe and in America.'

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

'I love being creative and playing around with sketches, which later, I develop on my computer. More recently, I have produced illustrations using Pro Create. I don’t really have one particular signature style and I find that this allows me to be versatile. This flexibility is a useful attribute to have when working on briefs for different types of clients.'

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

'In my spare time, I continually search for new ideas and new inspiration; whether that would be in stationery, apparel, children’s books, to interiors, and even colour themes. I am also a Pinterest addict and before I used Pinterest, I used to keep boxes full of magazine clippings and marketing material.'

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

'Things that I like;

Vintage patterns & interiors, old and contemporary illustrations, typography, printed fabrics, retro wallpaper, posters, Scandinavian design, pick n' mix sweets, collecting stamps and listening to music whilst working on my computer.'

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

​ ​  ​​ ​  Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer​

Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer

'My objective is to keep up with the current trends, keep updating my skills to constantly strive to become a better designer and to hopefully inspire you through my blog.'

Emma Jayne Illustrator & pattern designer

Aren't her illustrations just the berries - they make me so happy looking at them!!

You can follow EMMA JAYNE here:

That's it for today so happy Wednesday all day!!


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