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  • Writer's picturecathi trevor

CONVERSATIONS with Fashion Designer Jenny le Roux of HABITS


I caught up with Fashion Designer Jenny le Roux of HABITS on her latest "Shop-in-a-bag" concept, her bucket list, favourite travel destination and more; read on....

Your latest shop in a box concept - absolutely love this-tell us a bit about it

You’ll never believe it but I started twenty years ago with a few pieces of what we now call The Travel Range. Something that rolls up in a ball, hardly creases and best of all styles that you make you look 5 kg’s lighter, in black of course. The Travel Range then grew over the years to about 50 pieces. Every time I decided not to redo it for a season, customers kept asking for it and it now remains our best-seller.

shop in a box habits fashion

We then identified what our best-sellers were, put the four pieces together and are now able to offer our customers these four key items in our Shop in a Box, at an incredibly reduced price

It has been a wonderful way of employing more staff.

What does a normal day involve?

I know it sounds corny but no two days are ever the same. One day I am on a shoot and the next day I’m planning next season's range.

Jenny le Roux of HABITS

What’s your vice?

I have an obsession with notebooks and buy far too many.

How do you switch off?

Easily. I’m addicted to books and Netflix.

A mantra for life?

Constantly reinventing oneself and one’s business.

Beauty product you love?

When I can afford it, anything by Jo Malone, and of course my signature red lipstick. (I’ve just discovered by Pure Color Desire in 'Shoutout 'by Estee Lauder).

Pure Color Desire in 'Shoutout 'by Estee Lauder

Pure Color Desire in 'Shoutout 'by Estee Lauder

Which living person to you most admire?

It’s a toss-up between the Queen and Vivienne Westwood.

What is your greatest extravagance?

The delivery of the weekly issue of The Spectator.

Your greatest regret( if any)

Not seriously my greatest regret but I wish someone had told me you don’t speak to Royals first when I met Prince Charles (it’s not done).


What is your favourite travel destination?

I still like travelling around South Africa.

Anything on your bucket list?

A few nights at the George V Hotel in Paris (now owned by the Four Seasons).

What are you currently working on?

Actually at the minute we are busy packing The Travel Range for our overseas customers.

Follow Jenny on:

That's it for today - happy Monday.....all day!


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