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  • Writer's picturecathi trevor

Ramblings of a Blogger

monday motivation

It’s Monday mid morning and I’ve been wondering how we got to the fourth of June already. Does anyone else feel like May flew by in a whirlwind? Apart from watching oodles of series, reading and reorganizing my cupboard space by packing away summer and replacing with winter woolies, it feels like I barely accomplished a thing! Another month slipped by and I’m trying not to beat myself up as I didn’t complete my "to do" list I compile every month. It’s so hard not to feel guilty with my lack of discipline and head all over the show for the past couple of weeks, but then I thought back to what I did do in May and realised it wasn't too shabby after all; here's why....

monday motivation

Despite not sticking to my regular three posts a week and being less active on my social media platforms, I had a month of catching up with friends and rekindling friendships. We’re always saying there’s never enough time, but I made a conscious decision to make time, for myself and for others. There's nothing more fulfilling than being with loved ones, hearing their plans, dreams, moans and mutterings. Women need women, to lift each other up by showing support, love and honesty. It’s so hard to do things for oneself without feeling guilty, not being good enough, doing enough and it’s okay, ( I’m convincing myself as I write this to let the guilt go). We need to do more things that make our hearts happy, be grateful for what life offers and if a day goes by without an Instagram post or a tweet, it doesn't mean the day was lost with nothing to show for it. I often feel our lives are on constant display, and if we aren't living up to what we think society wants, we fall into a cycle of feeling anxious and panic where we'll fall off the treadmill and be judged.

monday motivation

So yes, I'm accepting that May is over and reflecting back to evenings with loved ones and lunchtime catch ups with friends that it was enough. So, I shall grab another coffee, take a deep breath and move into this new day...a new month (four days in). May the fourth be with you and I hope your June is a goodie!

PS: I just finished a Danish series called RITA , about a teacher who lives by her own rules; smokes like a chimney, drinks like a fish and likes to fuck, a lot! But her heart is in the right place and is a phenomenal teacher tackling kids concerns and problems. Check it out and let me know if you enjoyed it and if you have any other Series recommendations.

Happy Monday


monday motivation

monday motivation

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