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  • Writer's picturecathi trevor

New Year Resolutions: 2018

happpiness quote


Hello, 2018 and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I usually compile my "to-do" list on the first of January, yet despite my best intentions by the second week I’ve fallen behind and at a loss as to what I am supposed to be focusing on. Does this resonate with you? Well bye bye to another year of unrealistic resolutions; here’s what I shall be doing instead.

mindfulness & gratitude

Juggling a full time job, a blog, being a wife and mama in-between mundane chores of everyday life to putting more pressure on ourselves to work harder, train harder, be more and do more, is highly demanding and can be really stressful trying to be Miss Superwoman, something I wish I was but realistically I am just not her, however hard I try!

minfulness & gratitude

So this year I’m focusing on things that speak from the heart and way more attainable, like practising mindfulness, compassion, gratitude and living in each moment whole heartedly. I'm going to spend more time with family and friends, as life is fragile and short and in a moment things can change completely, where I don't want to be left wondering what if, why didn't I... It's time to be kind and gentle to ourselves and to others. So this is it, a new day and year to practice mindfulness, gratitude and being in the moment completely. I'm excited to do this, how about you?Do you have any resolutions you would like to share with me, however big or small?

happiness quote

happiness quote

grateful quote

Here's wishing you a positive, prosperous and peachy year!!



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