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ARTIST AT WORK: Billow Studio

Billow studio artist Carine Muller

I've long been a fan of the talented Carine Muller. I was fortunate enough to work with her at Good Housekeeping magazine, but being the modest and sweet girl that she is, I only stumbled across her beautiful illustrations much later! I'm sharing some of her work here, and yes, she does commissions too. Take a peek.

Billow Studio Carine Muller artist

What inspires you?

First and foremost the ocean; without it I wouldn't have the fire to fuel creativity, and studying Fibonacci in nature, where things seem chaotic and random, yet on closer inspection are organised elements of perfection.

Billow Studio Carine Muller artist

What mediums do you use?

I love working with ink. I mostly do pointilism with an 0,05 point archival ink Sakura pen. I have a crop of Indigo growing on Kogman & Keisie Organic farm in Montagu, where I want to utilise the plant pigments, if I can only find the time! I'm also keen on experimenting with brass and wood.

Billow studio Carine Muller artist

Your subjects?

Natural History and the ocean fascinate me; I think it comes across in my ocean and fish paintings.I have illustrated a lot of fish in my life!

Billow Studio Carine Muller artist

When did you start drawing?

It must have been in preschool. I remember a friend drawing incredible viking boats where the intricate detail intrigued me. He must have only been 4 or 5 years old where he spent endless time perfecting one drawing. I think I've subconsciously carried that with me as I take a long time perfecting my own illustrations.

Billow Studio Carine Muller artist

Did you study?

I never thought I was good enough, so didn't consider studying. I did art in high school, the only subject where I achieved a distinction! I loved History of Art so went on to study Publishing, with Honours in Visual Studies, so I could be as close to the Art Department as possible.

Billow Studio Carine Muller artist

Any projects you're currently working on?

I have an upcoming exhibition using new techniques and mediums involving patterns and structures. I'm exploring the negative and destructive impact man has had on his natural surroundings with the intention that nature reigns supreme!

Carine Muller artist Billow Studio

Other passions?

Music and dance! In a dream world I would own a drive-in theatre on an island (with the perfect longboard break) and sing in a band. I would have horses, Irish Wolfhounds and far too many cats. I am part of an all-girl 1960s dancing DJ trio called The Jackie Oh!s.

Billow studio artist Carine Muller

Billow studio artist Carine Muller

Billow studio artist Carine Muller
Carine Muller Artist Billow Studio

I am contactable for commission pieces at

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